two-ingredient maple soufflé


I know, I know. You read that post title and thought to yourself, Katy is clearly messing with us this morning. And then you thought, Seriously, Katy? You got us all excited for what is obviously some kind of very cruel joke, because who on this planet can craft a soufflé out of two ingredients?
Well, I can. And I thought I'd share the recipe with you, but if you're going to be like that, I've changed my mind.
But... I suppose if you really want it that much. Okay.
It sounds weird to pair eggs with maple syrup, but eggs in soufflés are essentially an invisible ingredient -- they give structure and density to something that otherwise tastes like flavored air (in fact, if your soufflés taste like egg, you're probably overcooking them). This is an absolutely perfect dessert at any time of the year, but it strikes me as being best in the fall, to cap off some hearty squash- or pumpkin-filled meal with a light, airy dessert.
You may notice that in this recipe, I don't ask you to butter and sugar the ramekins. This little recipe has two ingredients, and butter and sugar would make four ingredients, which would defeat the whole point. Also, I think they rise just fine without that preparatory step, and they still taste great. So this may not be a classic, perfect french recipe, but I guarantee that no one you serve it to will be able to tell.
Please. Their only reaction will be, "Something this good was made of nothing but maple syrup and eggs? I don't believe you."
two ingredient maple soufflé recipe
2 eggs
1/3 cup maple syrup (I use Grade A Dark Amber)
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Separate egg whites and yolks.
In a small bowl, whisk together the two egg yolks and maple syrup until evenly distributed.
In a stainless steel bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form (I often beat them to hard peaks and that's fine too). Fold the maple syrup mixture into the whipped egg whites. Pour into four ramekins and place ramekins on a baking sheet.
Place baking sheet in the oven and immediately turn temperature to 375 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes, or until puffed up.
Serves 4.