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Split Pea Soup with Ham, Mushrooms, Carrots, and Wheatberries

Split Pea Soup with Ham, Mushrooms, Carrots, and Wheatberries
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  • Cusine



1/2 cup wheatberries

8 oz. sliced mushrooms

1 onion, chopped

2 tsp. olive oil

2 cups diced ham

8 cups chicken stock

4 cups water +1-2 cups more added later

1 cup +1/2 cup green split peas

1 large carrot, diced into small pieces

1/2 tsp. dried thyme

2 bay leaves

fresh ground black pepper to taste


Bring several cups of water to boil, place dried wheatberries in a medium-sized bowl, and pour boiling water over wheatberries. Let soak for at least one hour before proceeding with soup. While wheatberries soak, wash and slice mushrooms. Saute mushrooms in olive oil until softened, then add to soup pot. In same pan, add more olive oil if needed, then saute chopped onion until soft and add to soup pot. Drain wheatberries and add to soup pot. Then add diced ham, homemade chicken stock, water, 1 cup split peas, diced carrot, thyme, and bay leaf and bring the mixture to a low simmer. Cook for about 1 hour, or until wheatberries are softened and split peas are starting to soften and dissolve into the base of the soup. Then add 1/2 cup more split peas and 1-2 cups more water Remove bay leaves then simmer soup for 45-60 minutes more, until second addition of split peas are soft but still mostly whole. Season soup to taste with fresh ground black pepper and serve hot.