recipe: homemade quinoa cakes
One bad habit that we had trouble breaking when we left New York: take out.
On nights when we both got home late, the quick and easy thing was always to order chinese food, or thai, or sushi, or pizza, or.... you get the idea. Sure, I had some things I could cook at home (ahem, ahem, mac and cheese), but really: no healthy options.
Living in Houston has changed all that, and I'm so incredibly grateful for it! Because take-out isn't as plentiful or easy here, I actually plan our dinners for the week and grocery shop on the weekends. (I know, what a novel concept!) But it's helped us be a lot more flexible with what we eat, and also a LOT healthier.
One of our biggest challenges has been incorporating whole grains into our diets. Whole grains have been showed to promote heart health and lower cholesterol -- and their zinc and selenium guard skin from aging and promote healthy collagen!
And, of course, never forget veggies on this side! I topped these with some warm marinara sauce (yum) and roasted asparagus is a delicious side and contains tons of antioxidants!
If you're looking for more skin-healthy recipes, Ellie Krieger, an expert nutritionist for Simple Skincare, has tons of other great recipes on the Simple Skincare website! I can't wait to give them all a try.
Homemade Quinoa Cakes
2 1/2 cups cooked quinoa, at room temperature (this works great with leftover quinoa too!)
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Water, if needed
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil or clarified butter
In a medium bowl, mix together the quinoa, eggs, cheese, garlic, and salt in a medium bowl. Form the mixture into about 12 small patties -- add a little water or an extra egg if they seem too dry.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy skillet over medium-low heat. Cook about 4-6 patties at a time, for7 to 10 minutes, until the bottoms are browned. Gently flip the patties with a spatula and cook for an additional 7 minutes, or until golden. Remove from the skillet and allow to cool, while you repeat the progress with the rest of the patties.
Serve with pesto, marinara sauce, or drizzled with a finishing oil.