Baby Bump: 36 Weeks!
Fashion & Style
It's no secret that for the past few weeks, I've been extremely nervous about our upcoming new addition. Some of it was hormones, some of it was first time mom jitters, and some of it was probably just me being nervous for a huge life change right around the corner.
But, for whatever reason, it seems to have lifted this week! I know this baby is going to be a ton of work, and I know the next few weeks and months are going to be incredibly draining, but now when I think about the baby coming...
I am Just. So. Excited.
There's still a little bit of time left -- I'm behind on these updates, so as I write this 36-week post, I'm actually almost 38 weeks pregnant! Which means the baby could come any day now.
And a week or two ago, that fact would have sent me into a mild panic. But now?
His room is ready. We have diapers, a bassinet, a zillion toys and soft, comfy places for him to nap. Our insurance-covered breast pump is arriving tomorrow (FYI for other soon-to-be moms: the new health care law has mandated that health insurance companies cover breast pumps in most plans, so check your benefits!), and tonight we're heading to the parenting class offered by our hospital.
I don't think having a child is something that you're ever truly ready for.
But I feel about as ready as I'll ever be.
So bring it on, baby. I'm finally ready for you.
Last but not least, my belly has gotten so much bigger in the past few weeks, I thought it would be fun to compare my photos from six weeks ago to today's! Here's a month and a half difference in the third trimester:
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 24 pounds
Maternity clothes? There's not much left that fits me anymore! Maternity jeans and leggings and some sweater/tank tops with lots of stretch.
Stretch marks? Still no!
Symptoms: I've started getting a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, plus back pain and all my prior symptoms (heartburn, insomnia, etc.). The last few weeks are brutal!
Sleep: Pretty awful, but I know I'll be grateful for these nights in a few weeks.
Best moment this week: Just generally feeling ready and excited for this baby to arrive.
Worst moment of the week: I got nervous that the baby was moving less, and when I asked my doctor about it, she hooked me up to a fetal monitor to see if the baby was doing ok. Weirdly, I was more nervous while she was checking it out than I had been before I asked! Thankfully, everything was fine.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Champagne and my clothes. When this baby is an outside baby...
Movement: It feels like less, but he's still moving a lot.
Food cravings: Starbucks cake pops. Every. Single. Day. I figure I have to make the most of my last few weeks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm definitely getting queasier as the tail end of this pregnancy gets further along. Weird!
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
Labor Signs: On Friday, the doctor said no progress at all. So probably he's staying put for a while.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly in, but half of it is sort of sticking out weirdly.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Labor! Ha ha, just kidding... Labor being over!