All Recipes

Ikura Don Recipe

Ikura Don  Recipe
  • Category

    Main Dish

  • Cusine



4 ounces

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 tablespoon mirin or sake

1/4 cup homemade or instant dashi

1 to 1 1/2 cups cooked short-grain rice, cooled slightly

Wasabi, for garnish

Nori seaweed strips, for garnish

Shiso leaf, for garnish


In a medium bowl, combine salmon roe with soy sauce, mirin or sake, and dashi. Let stand for at least 15 and up to 30 minutes. Scoop rice into a serving bowl. Drain roe, then gently spoon onto rice. Garnish with wasabi, nori strips, and shiso, if desired. If you want, you can add other seafood to the bowl, like slices of salmon sashimi, picked cooked crabmeat, uni , or more.