sensitive skin
One of the toughest things about having sensitive skin is that sometimes you can't tell what irritates your skin until the damage is already done! Believe it or not, I've had products that I've used *once* and had major allergic reactions to -- and it always happens that I'm really good for a few weeks about doing patch tests on anything new that I put on my skin, but then I inevitably lapse within a few months and end up with another flare up.
So what can you do before the damage is already done? First thing is obvious: be sure to test any new product on a small area of skin (I use the inside of my wrist or arm) before putting it on your face). An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure on this one -- if you're allergic or irritated by a product's ingredients, you want it to show up on your wrist and not your face!
Second, and this is tough for someone who likes to try out a lot of beauty products, but pick a set of products and stick with them! Changing up products means that you never know how your skin is going to behalf -- so pick beauty products for sensitive skin (like Simple Skincare!) and stick with them!
Third, and I know I'm a broken record on this, but be sure you're taking care of yourself from the inside out -- sometimes we treat the surface problems and ignore the root! Eat lots of healthy fats, fruits and veggies, and be sure to always drink eight glasses of water every day (mine are mostly seltzer, which I can drink so much faster than plan water -- whatever works for you!). Be sure to take off all your makeup before going to bed at night (if you're exhausted, try Simple Skincare's Cleansing Facial Wipes to clease, refresh and nourish) and make a big effort to de-stress at the end of every day or week!
Beauty comes from within, and your face will thank you for treating your whole body well.