halloween costume!

Fashion & Style

I love it when bloggers show their Halloween costumes, and although mine isn't a DIY or anything homemade, I figured it would still be fun to show what I wore!
I went to a local Houston costume store a few days before Halloween, and I was ready for everything to be completely picked over. And yet, it was pretty awesome! So I figured I'd show a couple of photos, just in case they give you inspiration for next year!
And obviously a crucial component in this costume is curls! I love the Paul Mitchell Curls products, and was so excited to use them in this outfit! This week, if you submit a #CurlConfression on Twitter or Instagram, your picture may be released as a live billboard slideshow in New York! Check out the Paul Mitchell Facebook page if you want more details on attending! And either way, you can enter on the Curl Confession page for a chance to win the entire line of products!