Dragonfruit Sorbet


Sometimes I choose a recipe, sometimes the recipe chooses me. This one is the latter.
I work really close to Chinatown, so when I'm walking up to the farmers' market some days after work, I'll take the route that walks me past all the carts selling asian vegetables that I can't name or even recognize. One of those afternoons, I saw this stack of crazy looking pink things and decided to inquire further. Turns out, these were dragonfruits, and they were insanely expensive ($8 each, in Chinatown!). But I think dragonfruit season was just beginning, because a few weeks later, their prices had fallen to about half that.
And fate stepped in a second time, because I would love to tell you all that I was the creative person who thought up this recipe, but I most certainly was not. Rachel of Coconut and Lime created this one, and once I saw it on her blog, I knew I'd have to give it a try. How cool looking is it?
So that's how this recipe got here. And how does it taste, you might think to wonder? It's excellent -- really light and not too sweet,
Dragonfruit Sorbet
2 dragon fruits
3/4 cup cold water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tbsp sugar
Cut the dragon fruit in half. Scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Reserve the halves for serving, if desired. Freeze the halves until you are ready to fill them.
Place the pulp of the dragonfruit in your food processor along with the water, lemon juice and sugar. Pulse until smooth. Pour into an ice cream maker and churn until frozen. Spoon the sorbet into the frozen halves, or freeze the sorbet until ready to serve.
Makes about 2 cups of sorbet.