Baby Bump: Week 22

Fashion & Style

22 weeks is a weird moment -- there's still a long way to go until the baby is full term, but it's also beginning to feel like the end is in sight! (I'm a bit late on these posts, so I'm actually about 23 1/2 weeks as I write this, so maybe it sounds like I'm a little further along than I am.) The third trimester is only a few weeks away, and the "viability" point is breathtakingly close.
And, truthfully, it's the scariest part of pregnancy for me so far.
At the beginning, I was so excited to be pregnant, but it felt so much like it was all about *me* -- the changes to *my* body, how *I* was going to deal with this huge transition, and how this baby would affect *me.*
They say that you become a mom the day you find out that you're pregnant, and I'm sure that's true for some people, but it didn't feel completely true for me. Obviously, I was thrilled to be pregnant, and I was thrilled to go through the discomforts of the first trimester (mostly), but even after hearing his heartbeat a few times and seeing him on an ultrasound monitor, I didn't really feel like I actually knew the baby until recently. But as he's started to make himself known -- kicking and punching and twisting and generally reminding me that he's in there every second he can -- I'm really starting to adore the little guy. I know it will pale in comparison to how I'll feel when I can actually look into his eyes or see him smile, but for now, I'm enjoying getting to know him in the tiny ways that I can.
Which, of course, is why pregnancy is suddenly even scarier. Because it's not about me anymore -- whether my belly button pops or I gain a few extra pounds, frankly, I could care less. But now that he's this real to me, all the things that could go wrong with him are even more terrifying -- I'm lucky that everything seems healthy so far, but now more than ever, I want to do everything I can to keep him safe and healthy and growing until he's ready to come out in April. And yet I find it totally terrifying that *every* mother wants that for her baby, and still there are so many things that can (and do) go wrong nonetheless.
But what can you do? Hope for the best, I guess. Fingers crossed that this little guy stays safely where he is for another 18 weeks (well... 16 1/2) and all of this worrying is just nervous first-time mom jitters!
{And for lighter topics... scroll down for my 22-Week Update!}
How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 14 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Starting to branch into maternity dresses and tops, thanks mostly to my mom's Christmas presents!
Stretch marks? OK. No, I don't have stretch marks. But the other day, I was getting into the bath and I saw these red lines all over my stomach and I was SURE they were stretch marks, and got kind of bummed about it. They're supposed to be mostly genetic and mom didn't get them, so I figured I didn't have too much to worry about -- but there they were. Except... they weren't. I have this weird habit of scratching all over my body when I'm getting into the shower or the bath, and I'd done it without realizing! By the time my bath was over, all of the little red marks were gone. I took it as a sign to double up on the belly oil, and hopefully, fingers crossed, I still won't get them.
Symptoms: Ugh. My stomach feels so disgustingly full when I eat anything, it's physically uncomfortable. I have two slices of pizza and it feels like I just ate Christmas dinner. It's a bummer!
Sleep: I knew this was coming, but my sleep got *way* worse this week. I think some of it is coming from indigestion, because I've really been feeling physically uncomfortable, and it makes it a lot harder to get to sleep. Oh well.
Best moment this week: Having my family in town for Christmas!
Worst moment of the week: After a big dinner, I was up for hours in the middle of the night feeling completely disgusting. Generally, attempting to eat has been a "low" this week.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? You know, I've said a few times that I miss wine, but overall I haven't really missed it that much at all. Sometimes at parties or socially I do, but not nearly as much as I expected to. So that's kind of nice!
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Chocolate. I kind of lost my mind this week on the candy/cookies/ice cream. Oops.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Weirdly, I felt like I had morning sickness re-emerging a few days this week. Once I actually even threw up, which was really strange for me. Hopefully it will pass quickly!
Have you started to show yet: YES. For sure now!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: 2014!!! Happy New Year's Everyone!