Baby Bump: 25 Weeks!

Fashion & Style

Yes, I know... these photos look exactly the same as last week. And the week before that. And the week before that. I know the baby is growing and changing, but on the outside, I seem to be stuck at about four-months-belly-size with no end in sight. I've been gaining about a pound a week, so I'm sure the bigger bump will show up soon.
On the other hand, the baby feels a ton bigger now! I joke that I spend my days carrying a little bowling ball around my waist, and that's basically what it feels like. Every time I bend over or stand up or move faster than a slow walk, my body feels completely different than it did a few months ago. I remember being maybe 4 or 5 weeks pregnant and telling Chad's parents that I didn't feel anything different at all yet... and having no clue what was in store for me.
But it's wonderful -- it's incredibly wonderful. I try to remember every day how grateful I am to have the opportunity to go through this, and what a miracle it is to create another human being. So even the moments of major discomfort (of which there are many, lately) don't dampen that a bit.
And yet -- there's something I want to say. I've been looking for the right moment to say this for a long time, and somehow I've never found it, so I'm saying it now. I am so very grateful to have this baby growing inside me right now, but I hate the idea that some of you reading this might be feeling uncomfortable or alienated because so much of what I've been writing about has been focused on pregnancy.
So I want to say this: There are so many wonderful ways to create a family. Pregnancy is one way, but it's not the only one (or even necessarily the best one). There are thousands of families out there who came together through adoption, through marriage, or through other twists and turns of life, and those ways are just as wonderful as this one.
Our world is ever-changing and there isn't much that stays fixed or permanent, but the most important thing that binds people together has never been biology or genetics: it's love. And love doesn't come along because this baby spent nine months rubbing elbows with mom's gall bladder. It comes from what you do once the baby enters your life, no matter how they get there.
How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 17 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Pants, yes -- I'm starting to realize that there are some maternity tops I haven't even worn yet, and I only have 3 months to go! I definitely have to start breaking them out.
Stretch marks? Still no! (Fingers crossed!)
Symptoms: Generally feeling stretched to my body's limit at any given moment. Also heartburn.
Sleep: Getting worse and worse. I can usually fall asleep ok, but if I wake up during the night, all bets are off. I can be up for hours with racing thoughts about life, the baby, labor... it's miserable!
Best moment this week: We had a really nice, low key weekend, and spent Saturday exploring some new shops in our neighborhood. Nothing amazing or even baby-related, but just a lovely afternoon that I really enjoyed.
Worst moment of the week: Our custom-ordered glider finally arrived... and it's the wrong chair. They accidentally made a different model than the one I ordered! The silver lining is that they're making the correct one and it should still be here before the baby arrives. Thankfully, I placed the order super early!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Generally being comfortable (sigh).
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Reese's Pieces (yum), gelato.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, not this week.
Have you started to show yet: YES!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting an ultrasound tomorrow morning and seeing how much he's grown in the last month!