Baby Bump: 14 Weeks!

Fashion & Style

I meant to post this last week, but I was so busy with the Moving Forward release that I never got around to it! So here is my 14-week update, a tiny bit late!
I feel like I've more or less settled into being pregnant at this point -- must of the adjustment (and discomfort) of the first trimester is over, and we still have quite a while before we start feeling like oh-my-gosh-the-baby-will-be-here-so-soon! Right now, 40 weeks feels like a very, very long time, although I know everyone says it flies by! (It doesn't feel like it's flying by when I'm sitting in a waiting room at the doctor's, sigh.)
But I shouldn't complain at all, because I feel so lucky to have had such an easy first trimester! A week of bad nausea and a few nights here and there since then and a few nights where I wanted to go to bed early -- and that's about it! (I want do a whole post on morning sickness at some point, because I went from throwing up multiple times per day to feeling completely fine with a few small changes!) On the other hand, feeling fine during the first trimester probably contributed to me gaining a little more weight than is recommended... so you win some, you lose some, I guess.
I decided to wear something that wasn't skintight for these photos, because when I'm wearing normal clothes, my bump is a whole lot less pronounced (so far, no one has noticed that I'm pregnant without me telling them first). But it's definitely there because none of my pants fit anymore! I have one pair of shorts that still buttons, and two pairs of my absolute favorite Splendid leggings -- but I bought a couple of pairs of maternity pants and should have them back from the tailor by the end of this week, thankfully!
Gifted Big Star tank top, Splendid leggings (non-maternity).
{Scroll down for my full 14 week update!}
14 Week Update!
How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: About 6.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? I'm definitely starting to need them. I'm mostly in leggings and dresses right now, but I've bought two pairs of maternity jeans and they're at the tailor -- very excited to be able to wear pants again!
Stretch marks? Nope. I bought Earth Mama Angel Baby Stretch Mark Oil on Amazon and have been using it twice a week or so. It's a little greasy so I use it at night before bed.
Symptoms: Big belly! I swear, it gets bigger every day! (I guess that's the idea, huh?) My skin is now pretty much back to normal after some brutal first trimester breakouts, and my nausea is gone at this point.
Sleep: Still good! I've been trying to sleep on my side almost every night now. The air has been super dry here, so we put a humidifier in our bedroom and it is *wonderful.*
Best moment this week: Finding out that the baby is healthy and has no genetic issues!
Worst moment of the week: I know it's silly to worry about this, but I gained more weight than is recommended for the first trimester and I'm a little surprised about it. Usually it's really hard for me to gain weight! I'm trying not to worry about it, and my doctor says that it's fine, but it's a little stressful. I'd like to avoid a 50+ pound pregnancy if possible!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Buttoning my jeans! I miss my clothes in general -- so much of my wardrobe doesn't fit me anymore, and I know it'll only get worse from here!
Movement: I think it's probably still to early, but I thought I felt a little something when I was lying in bed first thing in the morning this week. But I haven't felt it since then, so it may have been nothing!
Food cravings: My cravings are the lamest. Seriously, every once in a while I crave a salad, and that's basically it. We're going to have to work on this kid's taste buds!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: A little!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy again!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving and Christmas! 2013 has been a crazy year, and I'm hoping to get some low key time with friends and family over the holidays!